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CKLS School Librarians: Directory and Membership

The Central Kansas Library System has a commitment to school districts that have joined CKLS as system members. We provide consulting, continuing education, and a number of library services for member school librarians and paraprofessionals.

School Library Membership Application

If the District is headquartered within the CKLS territory, that District is eligible to apply for membership for all of its school libraries.

Application for membership consists of several steps: 

1. Contact Gail Santy to discuss the benefits and requirements of membership.

2. Complete and submit the School Library Information and Membership Request.

3. Complete and submit to Gail Santy the School District Petition to Join CKLS.

4. Gail Santy will present the petition/ your request for membership to the Full System Board, which meets annually in August. 

5. After approval, your petition will be submitted to the State of Kansas Library Advisory Board for final approval. This board meets four times a year. 

Please note, CKLS is able to consult with, and help a school library before the membership process has been finalized.