Member school libraries are eligible for a wide array of services at no cost (pre-paid with your tax dollars)
Competitive Conference Grant
School Library Service Allotment
Technical Services
Order library materials with the CKLS 42% discount
Purchase supplies for processing books at a discounted price
Will process and catalog materials at no cost to your library
CD/DVD/Blu-ray cleaner and repair
Resource Sharing Department
Provide materials on loan to your school library at no charge through Interlibrary Loan
Your school is responsible for the return postage
A partnership with your local public library can eliminate this cost by becoming an Indirect Courier Library.
Available if you have a student who cannot read print because of a visual or physical disability (even a temporary disability) — they can qualify for Talking Books service.
Youth Services (materials are for library use only)
Large Big Book collection
Large professional programming collection