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CKLS Grants: Conference Grant

Description of grants available through CKLS with links to forms and reports for each grant.

Annual Conference Grant

Annual Conference Grant
Each year CKLS will pay up to $1,000 for an in-state conference and up to $2,000 for an out-of-state conference for four CKLS librarians to attend a library conference such as ALA, PLA, MPLA, ARSL, KLA, CULS, and ACRL. Any individual library or school district may receive a conference grant not more than once every four years. See full description on the Conference Grant Form.

Eligible public, school, and affiliate libraries are all eligible to apply for the Annual Competitive Conference Grant.

After attending the conference, the attendee must submit a report describing what he/she learned and submit copies of all receipts using the Competitive Conference Grant Report form.
Amount of Grant: up to $1,000 for an in-state conference and up to $2,000 for an out-of-state conference
Application Due:   Anytime during the year, preferably at least two months before the program. This grant is on a first-come, first-served basis until all 4 grants are awarded for the year.
Application Process:
          1) Fill out and submit online.
          2) Judgment will be given within one-month of submission.
          3) One month after the end of the event, submit a report answering the following questions.
               a) What was the best thing(s) you learned at the conference?
               b) What conference session or presenter might make a good CKLS workshop? (if any)
               c) Please include an agenda or program listing all sessions and circle all the sessions you attended.