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System Grant Allotment Standards
Public Library Allotment Standards 2024
CKLS respects the authority of library boards as the governing and administrative body of the local library. The board, in conjunction with the director develops policies that become the basis for guiding the practices and decision making of the library
administration, and ensures the rights and responsibilities of local library users.
CKLS relates library activities and programs to quality service. Requirements for the allotment standards can change from year to year. Librarians and trustees are highly encouraged to be familiar with the system strategic plan for the previous and upcoming year so they can take full advantage to meet the allotment standards to maximize monies from CKLS.
Member public libraries must qualify for State Aid (link to check your eligibility) to be eligible for the CKLS Public Library Allotment.
These Public Library Allotment Standards contain goals for libraries that reflect high, yet reasonable public library standards of service and recognize contributions libraries make to their local communities.
For each standard that is omitted, the entire Public Library Allotment for that library will be diminished by 10%. This does not affect the Per Capita Allotment, the Continuing Education Allotment, or the Courier Allotment. Only the Public Library Allotment will be diminished by 10% for each standard that is omitted.
Standard #1
Did a voting representative from the library attend one full system board meeting (May (Fossil Creek) OR August (Great Bend)) and vote the interest of the library?
Standard #2
Did library staff attend a minimum of 6 library continuing education training events (can be face-to-face, live online, or archived webinars)? List the events attended. To find archived workshops, go here:
Standard #3
Did a quorum of the library board participate in one continuing education event (trustees need not attend the same event), such as CKLS Trustee Training or local library training? If yes, when? (Send a copy of board minutes with training to the CKLS Continuing Education Consultant.) To find Trustee Training Videos, go here:
Standard #4
Does the library actively lend and borrow on SHAREit, statewide interlibrary loan?
The KIC Council establishes best practices for interlibrary loan in Kansas and defines active lending as being willing to loan items that would circulate to local users. Additionally, library staff checks statewide interlibrary loan requests every working day and makes every effort to fill requests within two to four working days. SHAREit statistics will reflect this lending and borrowing activity.
Standard #5
This standard has three parts. To qualify for this standard, the library must complete all three parts. Omitting any of the three parts disqualifies the library for this standard.
Part 1: Did the library submit the Summer Library Program schedule, calendar, or marketing plan to the Youth Services Consultant before June 15, 2024?
Part 2: Did the library have a Summer Library Program for elementary school age children (K-6)?
Part 3: Did the library submit the Summer Library Program evaluation before the September 5, 2024 deadline?
Standard #6
Does the library have an Internet website and/or social media site that is actively maintained and contains current information about library services and programs? Submit the web address for your website or social media page in the System Grant Questionnaire. An active web presence means a post at least once a month about library events, closings, holidays, etc.
Standard #7
Does the library have a continuous weeding program and were a minimum of 3% of the materials in the collection withdrawn each year? To check your library's current weeding status, click here.