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CKLS School Librarians: State Library of Kansas

The Central Kansas Library System has a commitment to school districts that have joined CKLS as system members. We provide consulting, continuing education, and a number of library services for member school librarians and paraprofessionals.

Kansas State Library



The Kansas State Library offers a multitude of resources for teachers and students of all ages. 

New to Kansas Libraries?

Niche Academy for Librarians 

Shelving Nonfiction with the Dewey Decimal System

Where's my book? Navigating the Dewey Decimal System

Research Essentials - Finding the Right Sources

Kansas Book Awards

William Allen White Children's Book Awards

Bill Martin, Jr. Picture Book Award

Kansas Notable Books


Online Resources and Databases

Statewide Resources


Interlibrary loan

Grants & Discounts

Test Prep

Skill Building

Resources for Younger Students

This suite of databases includes: Explora Kids, Mango Languages, Britannica E-Stax, Britannica School, Comic Plus, and orld Almanac Kids.


This suite of databases includes: Explora Kids, Mango Languages,

Online Resources for Middle Grade and High School Students

Middle school and high school have access to four Britannica and Explora databases, three skill builder databases such as Learning Express Library and Mango languages. four social science, two medical, three literature and arts three government websites as well as five of these databases available in Spanish.