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Technical Services Guide: Courier

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Kansas Library Express Courier Service


CKLS is proud to help offset the cost of courier for our member libraries. We want to make sure that the shared items in our consortium are accessible to all of the patrons in our region and beyond. 

If you need courier bags of any size, or if any of your items have been lost on courier, please contact  the Courier Services Coordinator Caroline Handwork.


Kansas Library Express Courier Home Page 

If you are interested in learning more about the courier service please explore the website linked above!


Kansas Library Express Courier Labels 

Whenever a new library anywhere in the US becomes a part of the courier service they are assigned a code and have a label created. This is why it is so important to update your lender list. Our SHAREit/ILL librarian will send out an email with instructions on how to do so. Along with a link to the page with the new list. 


Courier Statistical Forms 

Make sure you are keeping track of your Courier statistics! Write down how many bags and how many items you send out on your courier days. Once you have a months worth you can report the numbers at the link above. 


Courier Shipping Procedures

If you are not sure about how to package an item or don't know what you can send on Courier please take a look at the above page! **Courier should only be used to ship library items.**